Tolar Construction, LLC is proud to be an Authorized Dealer for American Buildings Company.

In recent years, pre-engineered metal buildings have become the preferred alternative to traditional constructions, accounting for more than 60% of all new low-rise commercial structures. Today’s metal buildings offer more flexibility in design and appearance, end use, and growth — all with lower costs and faster construction times. An American Buildings Company pre-engineered metal building can be built with greater speed and precision than is generally possible using conventional methods. In addition, a custom engineered metal building from American Buildings offer other advantages.

Pre-engineered Metal Buildings

Other Advantages


  • Quick and efficient due to standardization.
  • Design drawings provided by manufacturers.


Approximately 30% lighter because of more efficient use of steel.


Simple design is lightweight and easy to construct.


Designed to fit the system with standardized, interchangeable parts, including flashing and trim.


Approximately eight weeks.


Easy, fast and step-by-step.


Outstanding detail can be achieved at a reasonable cost using conventional wall and fascia materials.

Overall Price

Price per square foot can be considerably lower.


Highly flexible; changes and revisions can be made easily. Future expansion is simple and cost efficient.